Partake in the challenging life of Ayoma (beautifully played by Swarna Mallaawarachchi) and witness the complex transitions that she undergoes during her lifetime. Abused by a politician at a tender age, Ayoma is forced into a world of her own where she encounters a series of relationships, wickedness of society and the sanctuary of solitude. The story is portrayed through the research conducted by a newspaper reporter, and provides an exciting and emotional movie watching experience brought to you by a highly skilled cast and the cinematic vision of Parakrama Niriella.
Director Parakrama Niriella
Producer Bandula Gunawardane
Cast Swarna Mallawarachchi, Jackson Anthony, Sriyantha Mendis, Somi Ratnayake, Linton Semage, Winston Serasinghe, J H Jayawardene, Winston Vaas, Miyuri Samarasinghe, Manisha Wijesinghe, Malani Ranasinghe, Susila Ratnayake
Category Drama
Duration 240 Minutes
Format PAL
Language Sinhala